Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Thank You Old World

As Kermit the frog likes to say, it's not easy being green. And I would know because I've spent pretty much all of my life being a green little knucklehead that has had no clue about life and how it works.

Which is why I want to take a minute to say thank you to all the old world teachers, like monks, priests and zen masters that came from Japan and the old world to bring their wisdom teachings to this very green and immature country filled with self-indulgent magical thinkers and trinket addicts.

Thank you to all the old wise men and women who have left their trail of breadcrumbs to guide the dumb, naive and stubborn folk like me.

Thank you to all the teachers, professors and mature and wise men and women who have truly emotionally grown up and have put their money where they mouth is. To those patient, persevering stand up people who didn't cower and stuck it out through thick and thin.

To those who didn't bail and run out and avoided facing the relational hardships in their lives. To those old souls, the old school, the ones who don't go into the childish "fuck its" that most emotionally grown children do.

To the men and women that have known how to cry and face their fears and given up their ego addiction to make way for love and taking responsibility.

Thank you to those who haven't fallen into the momentum of endless trends and fashions. Thank you to those old school souls that have been able to adapt and remain in balance. In spirit, mind and body.

To those who are able to look past the myriad of distractions and have been able to keep it simple and to the point.

Thank you wisdom teachers, awake beings, present folk, men and women of good. Men and women of heart. Men and women of truth.

Thank you sincere, responsible, caring and engaged and open hearts and souls who push past their own victim identities and become self-realized and actualized.

Thank you to those who didn't silo themselves and acted like aliens or islands unto themselves.

Thank you Africa, thank you Japan, thank you India, thank you Europe, thank you Old World, thank you conscious and wise grandmas and grandpas. Thank you masters, thank you teachers, thank you mature and truthful, simple and honest, common sense grown up souls.

Gassho. Namaste. Gratias Tibi.