Thursday, June 30, 2011

La Felicidad Está En Mis Manos

No hay mejor descubrimiento que darte cuenta que tienes control de tu estado de ánimo. Tal vez no sea tan fácil como se lee, pero la llave está en tus manos. Cuando estés dentro de una nube de negatividad, puedes cuestionar tus pensamientos... claro, si te interesa llegar a la paz más que nadar en la oscuridad pesada de tus emociones negativas. Tenemos control y eso es indudable. Cada vez que te sientas hundido bajo una tonelada de pensamientos negativos, familiares y pesados utiliza la espada de la razón y la conciencia y alíneate con la realidad.

Lo cierto es que somos muy dichosos de estar vivos y todo lo que tenemos es de sobra. Recuerda que la vida no es para siempre y pudieses nunca haber nacido o haber estado muerto. Cuando vez las cosas desde este ángulo y si te aprendes el truquito de salir de todo tipo de pesimismo y pesadez verás que cada cosa es suspiro en el bizcocho de la vida.

La vida es un regalo, un milagro divino que está lleno de sorpresas y experiencias enriquecedoras y maravillosas. El simple hecho de poder ver, de poder hablar, de poder pensar, de poder caminar, de poder relacionarte, de poder vestir, de poder reir, de poder llorar, de poder sentir, de poder respirar, de poder elegir, de poder vibrar hace que el viaje valga la pena. ¿Por qué no?

Al parecer la mayoría de nosotros entramos en una etapa de addición a la negatividad y a la pesadez porque eso es lo que vemos al nuestro alrededor, y como buenos imitadores que somos vivimos toda una vida en lo mismo de siempre... quejarnos por lo que nos falta. Tenemos un banco de quejas supuestamente legítimas que utilizamos en cada oportunidad que tenemos. Pero también podemos aprender a ser agradecidos y a darnos permiso para brillar.

Piénsalo, eres único o única... nadie es como tú... nadie tiene tu historia. Eres sumamente especial y fantástico o fantástica. El hecho de que hayas venido de donde viniste con los detalles originales que tiene tu historia y con las particularidades de tu mente, tu cuerpo, tu personalidad y tu vida te hace la única persona como tú. Nadie es idéntico o idéntica a ti... eres una ESTRELLA ÚNICA!

No importa quien seas o de donde vengas o como seas, eres sumamente interesante, al menos para mi porque no te conozco a fondo. Eres un astro de luz que nació para irradiar las maravillas que sólo a ti te pertenecen. No escondas tus regalos, no imites a nadie... eres como eres porque así es que tienes que ser. Ejerce tus pasiones y expresa tu corazón y tu verdad... no tienes que caber en una cajita preestablecida por la sociedad. Practica lo que te gusta practicar, cree en lo que te gusta creer, ejerce lo que te gusta ejercer y confía en tu propio corazón que tiene todas las respuestas perfectas para ti.

Mira lo chulo que es dejar que tu autenticidad y singularidad se exprese! O me vas a negar que este escrito no es verídico y chulo? Me sale porque he aprendido a ser yo sin importar las consecuencias y al igual que tú soy un ser magnífico!

Gracias Daddy por pintarme y gracias Mami por darme a luz... al igual que ustedes soy una obra de arte iluminada! Los amo sin condición!

Un beso al mundo! Mucho amor!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ways I Take Care Of Myself

Who's the most important person to take care of? Whatever your answer is, you can't argue with the fact that if the caretaker isn't at his or her best, then the care he or she will give won't be the best. If you don't take good care of yourself you can't take good care of others. The healthier and happier you are, the better you will be able to care for yourself and for others.

Imagine yourself sick and in bed, how are you going to take care of anyone? Until you get better you can't. Imagine yourself tired and angry, how are you going to take care of anyone? Imagine yourself fat and depressed, how are you going to take care of anyone? Imagine yourself ignorant and confused, how are you going to take care of anyone? The bottom line is this: the most important person to care for is yourself.

That said, I came up with the idea of writing out ways in which I like to care for myself so that I can take good care of others... here's a list (I'm sure I'll forget stuff)...

- I meditate
- I go out for walks
- I take naps and get comfortable
- I read good books and consume good information
- I sing for fun
- I eat good food
- I take long showers
- I go to the gym
- I go in the sauna and steam room
- I get pedicures
- I call a good friend
- I talk nicely to myself in my head
- I go to the park and enjoy nature
- I brush and floss my teeth daily
- I light natural scented candles
- I caress myself and tell myself nice things
- I keep in touch with supportive, positive and successful people
- I go to therapy and/or therapeutic gatherings
- I take voice lessons
- I write
- I dance
- I practice my social skills with strangers that seem inviting and gentle
- I stay away from negative, sensationalized information
- I stretch
- I establish boundaries in all of my relationships
- I say no and don't feel ashamed of it
- I keep my thoughts balanced, I avoid sensationalizing, exaggerating or dramatizing things
- I practice spiritual rituals and I keep this very private in order to avoid being criticized
- I practice deep breathing
- I listen to healthy, smart and supportive and loving talks
- I relax
- I trust my instincts
- I nurture my passions
- I avoid working too much
- I avoid overeating and oversleeping
- I tell the truth to myself and others
- I trust myself
- I get massages
- I go swimming
- I go to the beach
- I hangout with good friends
- I work to make my relationship healthy and strong
- I encourage myself and empower myself inside
- I take it easy
- I do not place great expectations on myself, and if I catch myself doing it, I stop
- I keep giving myself the love and support that is my birthright
- I go on vacation
- I save money

This is a pretty short list, there are many more practical and concrete things that I do. Mostly, I think what is most important is to seek BALANCE. Setting boundaries is very important, not overdoing anything is a great one for me since I tend to be an overachiever and since I tend to try and overcompensate for everything due to insecurities that are deep within. I know this because I study myself closely and I seek to provide myself with what I need in order to heal and recover myself. I have noticed that most people do not take good care of themselves, including me at times, for example when I smoke cigarettes in an attempt to avoid my emotions. I also tell myself mean things in my head sometimes because that is what I was taught to do. But these things can be kept in check if one has the intention of caring for oneself. I notice that when I care for myself successfully I am more productive, more creative and more at peace. I also notice that I am more efficient and that I can accomplish a lot more with a lot less work.

One important thing is staying out of denial and not making excuses for why one doesn't care for oneself. We have a million reasons to neglect ourselves and treat ourselves like garbage and we can even justify our crappy lifestyles and pretend like they are actually great when they are not. We do this because we fear exposing our truth. Hiding though, is not a healthy way to live and is very destructive and negligent. We have a responsibility to care for ourselves and love ourselves because that is the only way that we are going to accomplish what we were put on earth for. We don't have to love ourselves but this just makes life a lot more unpleasant and is a lot harsher on ourselves and on others. Living to love oneself and others is the best way of self-care... and if you think this is corny or bullshit then that's a perfect indication that you are filled with self-loathing and self-rejection probably because that's a lot of what you got as a child. Call that child and tell him or her that it's time for a new perspective and time for a new attitude. Without self-love there is no fulfillment. Care for yourself and the life that you want will unfold right before your eyes... SLOWLY. That's a huge key, patience. Growth and healing happen SLOWLY. There is no magic solution. Believing in fast progress or in magic is a form of self-abuse, because it is a fantasy that does not exist.

All the best!

Our Obsession With Power, Fame, Recognition and The Media

I cannot tell you the amount of times I have sang for a person or a group of people whether it's at work, on the street, for a friend or a family member and I've heard the question "Why don't you audition for American Idol?"

I cannot tell you the amount of times I've had people who have read what I've written whether it's an article, a blog entry, a poem, an essay or something else and have heard "Why don't you write a book?" or "Why don't you write for the newspaper?"

I cannot tell you the amount of times I've done an acting skit or something and people tell me "Why don't you move to California and make movies?"

I cannot tell you the amount of times people have seen professional pictures of me and ask me "Why don't you become a model?"

All of these questions are very nice and flattering and I love to hear them because they are indicative that people see something in me that has potential to shine on a large scale. That's very nice and very sweet. What people don't usually know is that I've auditioned for American Idol three times already, I've tried to write many books, I've tried to come up with something to submit to newspapers, I used to dream and years ago made a plan to move to California to make movies and I when I was in the greatest shape of my life I had thought about becoming a model.

No offense to anyone but I had already thought of all those things. None of those thoughts, ideas or questions were or are original.

The truth is that these thoughts, ideas, suggestions, questions and beliefs have been injected into our veins by our culture and the media. Well-spoken people should be on TV, good singers should be famous, good-looking tall men or women should be models, good writers should have books or articles, good actors should make movies and on and on the list goes. Beautiful kids should do commercials, good-looking and talented people should be famous, good dancers should be behind Madonna, people who know three languages should be traveling, people with good taste for clothes should be in the fashion world... well, you get the point. It's so cliché by now that at least for me it verges on nauseating.

These ideas come from so many distorted perceptions we get... it's funny because we have been indoctrinated to associate power, fame and recognition with happiness and success. In fact in our culture, there is no other model for success that does not involve large scale recognition. The manager is successful, the owner is successful, the famous actor is successful, the CEO is successful, the president is successful, the entrepreneur is successful, the host is successful. People like secretaries, clerks, janitors, mail-men, barbers, etc are only successful IF they work for someone highly successful or IF they are making a lot of money.

So there you have it, success = recognition.

The more people that click "Like" on this note on Facebook, the more "successful" I am. Success is a matter of numbers.

Can we wake up from this long induced and deeply embedded dream? Can we release this obsession? Can we see how untrue it is? Can we get past this craving for the spotlight that makes us feel bored and miserable everyday? Can we be our own heroes and our own stars? Can we let go of the fantasy?

I sure as hell have! It's enough. : )