Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Beautiful World

As a wise spiritual teacher, whose name I can’t recall said: "We are not grateful because we are happy, we are happy because we are grateful."

I want to express my deep gratitude for the beautiful path I was given by the Almighty God.

I feel truly blessed to have a beautiful life. I thank God for my beautiful father Paul Weiner and my electric and beautiful mother Angela Jáquez. I thank life for my grandmothers Olga Jáquez and Mildred Weiner. I thank life for having given me four beautiful, amazing and incredible siblings: Fannette Guillen, Benjamin Weiner, Aaron Jáquez and Andres Weiner. The blessing I feel for having had all of you is beyond description. I feel a deep well of infinite gratitude for each and every one of you.

My amazing friends Susana Domínguez, Jennifer Cabrera, Pedro Núñez, Victoria Reyes, Dante Sample, Leonardo Dominguez, Irine Pilavski, Mark Baxter, Eridona Fida, Freddy Fortoso, Víctor Gómez, Mita Prakash, Daniel Forster, Johnny Martínez, Phil Bonacchi, Lindsay Majewski among many others, too many to mention. My sense of gratitude, joy and belonging is magnified whenever I think of any of you.

My vocal students, your trust and belief in me humble me beyond what your imaginations are capable of formulating.

My every day students from my fantastic job: your sweet, innocent and pure faces light my day and ignite my soul brighter than the sun even could.

Speaking of the sun, thank you for illuminating our days, I love your rays and I love your power, the moon as well, for being there to stabilize and regulate the cycles of life on earth. As you know moon, I have a bizarre love affair with you. You make me crazy and sane and creative and destructive. I love you for giving me rhythm and flow.

My amazing jobs, for giving me a sense of purpose and direction in life, for giving me a reason to get up and exercise my gifts and talents and make money while I am at it.

My apartment, my car, my clothes, my computer, my stuff: Although supposedly lifeless, you support my life and make it so much better than it would be without you.

I feel so touched, so loved, so embraced, so whole, so in touch, so loving and so embracing.

My spiritual teacher Adyashanti: you know when to take me and when to leave me. Thank you for no longer taking my calls when you knew I was ready to fly on my own. I’m ready. Thank you for never shutting up. I love you.

I would like to especially thank a man by the name of Marcelo Dotel whose curiosity and skepticism have provided me with the greatest mirrors of all. For this, I will always be grateful. Thank you for showing me what I could have never seen on my own. I am excited to see you grow and progress along with me.

I must thank above all, my soul: for being such a humble and wise student of what is. For never betraying me and always forgiving me. For being relentlessly passionate about what truly matters and what is important. I feel honored to serve the sincerity of my heart. I will forever be imbued with a sense of thankfulness, gratitude, humility and passion for being what I am.

Thank you, thank you, and thank you from the depths of my heart and beyond. My gratitude is immeasurable. My trust for the unknown has become much greater than my trust in the known and for that, I am free.

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