Wednesday, January 5, 2011

About Loved Ones

God – I feel you are wonderful because you are almighty and all powerful and all everything. You are an awesome and cool mystery that I will never be able to comprehend. The love You emanate is blinding… I just think you are wonderful.

To Mami – You’re wonderful because you’re so different from the rest of people, you don’t comb your hair, you don’t care about make-up, you’re raw, wild, real, spontaneous and strong. You are wonderfully stubborn and intelligent and you’re very loud and charismatic. You’re brassy, sexy, warm, funny. You love to laugh and dance and go on crazy adventures, you’re not clingy, you’re independent, strong and just really good company. You’re an awesome woman.

To Dad – You’re cool because you can get any material thing you set your mind to, you are wowed by simple things, you upgrade your car when you feel like it, always get a new computer, TV, shoes, whatever. The fact that you make so much money makes you cool and that you love your job so much and that you work so hard. It’s cool that you’re not in people’s faces and that you’re shy and low-key. I think it’s cool that you travel by yourself every year to any country you want and you are always thinking of other people. It’s cool how you allow two of your kids to be in gay relationships and you open the doors of your house to allow this. It’s cool that you’re so financially supportive and it’s cool that you like to play computer games, go on the internet and watch TV.

To Fabie – You’re awesome because you left the house at 17 and figured your life out on your own, it’s cool that you have a beautiful son that you obviously adore. It’s cool that you are so strong and beautiful. You’re sweet and fun to be around, it’s cool that you like to go on the computer and watch TV too, it’s cool that you work so hard and it’s cool that you’re doing your own thing. You’re awesome for many reasons, you’re smart, creative and a great friend. You’re awesome because you don’t really need anyone to get ahead and because you just keep on living life and enjoying what you’re into. You’re awesome!

To Benji – I think your passion for cars is pretty awesome. You go nuts when you see a car that you like and you work hard to get it. I think it’s cool how car savvy you are and how you’re athletic and into sports and how you’re also such a good friend. I think it’s cool that you’re into matching your clothes and how you’re into having a good time anywhere you go. I think you’re awesome because you like to laugh a lot and you like to help other people. You are cool because you love Dad so much and it shows, you’re also cool because you love all of your brothers and you’re just awesome. It’s cool that you yell and let go when you get angry and that you are so passionate about everything you get into.

To Aaron – There’s a lot that makes you cool, you’re into fashion, singing, make-up, entertaining, you’re an incredible sales man and you have an incredible knack for meeting people and connecting. Your social skills are awesome, it’s cool that you like good drink and you like to go out and you like to dance and have a good time. That you like eating out, looking good, working out, talking. It’s cool that you give yourself to your boyfriend and how you’re such a cool cat. It’s awesome that you’re into the photography thing, that you like to take pictures and that you’re really sweet and smart. You’re just so much fun to be around, you’re funny and your sense of humor is so easy to enjoy.

To Andre – First of all, you’re awesome because you’re a genius and you have a huge heart and you would do anything for anyone. It’s cool how you live on your own and how you do your own thing and your sense of style and fashion is pretty awesome too. It’s cool how you reinvent your look every couple of months and how you are so tall and skinny and how you have a bunch of friends and all these things you like to do and all these places you like to go to. It’s cool how you have a roommate, how you like videogames and how you’re so nice to hang out with. You’re awesome because you like a good time and because you are smarter than most people.

To Marcelo
– There’s a lot that makes you awesome, you love to laugh and have a good time, you’re pleasant and easy to get along with, you don’t think a lot other than enjoying the party and you have a heart of gold. You are loving and it looks like everybody likes you. You play it safe and that’s really awesome and refreshing for me. You are great company, good to be around, you are very supportive and you’re just real and honest. You are not pretentious and you are obviously a very curious soul who loves to learn new things. You are very interested in other people and that’s really nice. You are just an awesome person with a lot of wonderful qualities. You’re so nice to be with. It’s cool that you’re proud of who you are too, that’s awesome!

To Dusty – You’re fabulous because you are so filled with color and excitement and wonder. Because you are creative, playful, spontaneous and funny… you’re like a big kid and you are cool because you are so loving, passionate and committed. You love your mom and dad and your dog and your husband and your friends and you get really excited about living this life. You love to do things, you enjoy stuff and that’s just awesome. You would also give your life for someone you love because you have an enormous loving heart. You are really cool and you’re just so much fun to be with.

To Titi – You’re just so strong and powerful, your presence is like “Here I am” and you take over, you’re super smart, super loving and super on top of things. You are very attentive and you are a ton of fun. You have an awesome sense of humor and you possess a maturity that is very comforting. You work hard, play hard and rest hard. You are awesome, cool and amazing. Your free spirit and your large personality make you a great candidate for so many things. You are awesome, you are cool and you are just really a treasure.

To Irine – Can you say super bright? And super committed to being the best that you can be? You are awesome because you are passionate, ambitious and hard working, you focus on deep things that really matter and you are creative beyond a doubt. Your talent is so much and your sensitivities are so good that it amazes me. You are a great friend and great to talk to and you would do anything for anyone you love. Your laugh is the best and you love to laugh often and you are interesting and mysterious which are such cool qualities to have. You do not gossip, you are non-confrontational and you are awesome.

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