Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Buddha

A Buddha can't possibly see what's wrong, a Buddha can only see what's right. A Buddha can't possibly complain, worry or think about what should be. A Buddha can only see, appreciate and love what is. Enjoy what IS. Fully. A Buddha can't possibly see things the way the ego sees it, it is impossible, totally impossible for a Buddha to see things from a negative point of view. Only the ego can do this, and even a person with a high degree of Buddhahood can fall for the ego for a second, a minute, an hour, a day, a month... but the Buddha will always reawaken from ego and see it was just a trance, a dream, a story, a trick.

A Buddha can't possibly see anything wrong with anything, wrong does not exist in the mind of a Buddha. There is no such thing as wrong, there is only the totality of what is. There is absolutely no need for a Buddha to judge, label, analyze, question, doubt, fear anything. There is just no chance of it. There is no need, it is seen as a trance and released as soon as it is seen.

A Buddha knows when he is in a trance state and when he is awake and clear. When he is in a trance he feels conflict, division, fear, separation. When he is clear he is outside of all states, outside of all experience, he IS what IS. A Buddha IS the state, is inside the state, outside the state, around the state. A Buddha IS the state.

A mature Buddha does not seek higher states, better experience, a better place, a better environment. A mature Buddha does not seek. A mature Buddha knows that he IS the environment. A mature Buddha does not look for ways of escape, he does not yearn for a higher, better state or condition. He is present with what is, 100% A higher Buddha does not seek enlightenment, liberation, freedom, radical transformation or evolution. A higher Buddha is all of the before mentioned. A higher Buddha is the most active, responsive and engaged being, flowing with the totality of existence and beyond. A higher Buddha is dynamic, creative, responsive and fully alive! There is no dis-engagement in a fully embodied Buddha. A Buddha does not register better or worse, because it's all ONE. It's all THIS. There is no before or after for a Buddha, no then and now, no this and that. Just THIS, ONE, HERE.

A fully conscious Buddha recognizes with every fiber of his being, with every ounce of his light that THIS IS IT. That there is nothing before or after THIS. That THIS is IT. Regardless of how THIS chooses to appear. THIS is IT. There is no desire to free yourself from this, because you ARE this.

There is no fear in a Buddha's system, there is only fear in a lower body, a lower mind. A Buddha loves his lower body and lower mind and allows it to get hooked onto trances because a Buddha knows it's no big deal and there is nothing to lose. There is no such thing as a big deal for a Buddha, no such thing as loss. There is no such thing as depression for a Buddha, no such thing as despair, hopelessness, anxiety, dread, worry, a sense of impending doom, insanity, insecurity, problems, questions.

But a Buddha will lovingly claim all these delusions, will lovingly embody all these resistances to the Eternal Tao and wash them in its right view and clarity. A Buddha is True Freedom to experience, live and go through anything. A Buddha is what you truly are! Awaken to your Buddha Nature.

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